

A professional development social network for today's audience.


The Scope:

Target audience: Recent grads & professionals 1 - 10 years of experience in tech and other professional fields

A lot of signups, activations, registrations, and excitement from the users.

Currently having a problem with inducing engagement.

Wants to encourage users to stay consistent and disciplined with their professional development by using Chet.

  • 3 people team :

  • Conducted 25% of the user interviews

  • Created personas through user research and data

  • Developed 50% of the wireframes and prototypes

  • Conducted 50% of usability testing

  • Scrum, PM


Problem Statement

In the modern job market, young professionals feel the need to continuously grow, learn, and stay relevant in their field. 

Jessica is invested in her career development but has difficulty staying motivated and feels that there isn’t a designated platform to learn what other people are doing for their professional growth in her industry. 

How might we help Jessica to stay motivated in her career development and remain relevant in her industry?


User Quotes

Participate in “official” challenges for professional and personal growth
Would like more guidance when switching careers

User Flows

User Flow 1: Create a challenge


User Flow 2: Check current challenge


User Flow 3: Check milestone


User Flow 4: Find and follow


News Feed Redesign



Affinity Mapping

  • Users like to share their achievements publicly

  • Users like to get feedback and are inspired by people in their industry

  • User would like  more guidance when switching careers

  • Users participate in “official” challenges for professional and personal growth.

Competitive Matrix-

Feature Analysis

None of the current competitors offered social element of career growth


User Journey

Design Studio

We conducted multiple rounds of design studio within our team. Design studio is a time limited brainstorming exercise that allowed us to quickly hand-sketch out our ideas and share them with our team. Based off the sketches, we were able to move on …


Usability Test 2

  • Once we updated the term badges to milestones, users were less likely to associate them with challenges.

  • Users like that they can see what leaders in their field are doing for their professional growth.

  • Users like the green check mark that indicates the completed content in a challenge, but want more information to show their overall progress in a challenge.

Usability Test 1

  • Users were confused by the “Badges” location and had a difficult time finding them as they thought the badges belonged in “Challenges” section.

  • Users commented that the overall visual layout reminded them of LinkedIn/Twitter and felt at ease with the interface.

  • Users mentioned that at this moment there aren’t any other apps on the market that provide these features




It’s simpler, cleaner. For someone my age(23), the social media kind of environment is more familiar. It looks nice, bright and clean. LinkedIn is too cluttered. There’s no prioritizing like Chet’s Discover section.
It has people, podcasts, and challenges all in one place, I don’t have to search on YouTube, Instagram and Spotify to keep track of what I’m doing for professional growth.


Next Steps

Conduct more user interviews to find other personas to round out the app’s functions and features

Conduct usability testing on the proposed feed UI

Build out the challenge flow for other content types

Iterate on the discover feed and see what other content users would like to see featured