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Conceptual Re-design integrating new feature into an existing app

Overview & Scope

OpenTable is an online restaurant reservation service looking to expand its offering for large event hosts.

The team and I had one week to design a solution so we were focused on the users’ challenges rather than restaurant limitations.

My Role

  • Conduct user interviews

  • Create personas through user research and data

  • Develop wireframes and prototypes

  • Conduct usability testing


Problem Statement

OpenTable directed large event hosts to communicate directly with restaurants. As a result users have to leverage multiple platforms and methods to complete their reservations.

Given users busy schedules how might we help people have a seamless reservation experience when making large party reservations through OpenTable?





User Quotes

I’m not good at email, neither were the restaurant people. It was really hard for me to coordinate with them and they wouldn’t CC people back. I had to CC them.
I make online reservations quite frequently. I would prefer it if the restaurant actually uses an app rather than going to the restaurant and having it be a crazy wait time.

Insights to features

Separate section for eight or more guests


Find restaurants based on availability to accommodate a large party


Select event type and preferences for seating inside the restaurant


Send out guest invitations


Next Steps

Add functionality to include a calendar feature

Show users which invitations were accepted

Interview restaurants to understand their challenges with

large party reservations